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#Eataly – Eating in Italy: A story in itself!


Italy is world-famous for its food. We know no one who doesn’t like italian food. Therefore italian ristorante are perfect places for watching various (eating) culture.

The importance of food and wine becomes clear, if you order a bottle of wine in a simple beach bar and you get the whole program from tasting, wine cooler and topping up the glasses by the staff. In Germany this is common only in high class restaurants.

Contrast: two choked American Ladies, changing places due a bit of cigarette smoke while ordering the two most greasy meals for dinner (French fries and a sandwich; something more healthy would have been a good idea for their figures, by the way). Italians wouldn’t understand that.

The surrounding is never as important as the taste of the meal itself!


Specialties of the Amalfi coast (and surrounding)

There are many famous specialties in the region around the Amalfi Coast (including Capri, Cilento and Naples). Italy’s climate is perfect, the area around the Vesuvio fertile. This is why this region comes up with so much deli food with worldwide popularity.

Lemons: Limoncello, Gelato di Limone, Pasta al Limone

Lemons as large as footballs add a wonderful taste to many meals and drinks.

Pizza Margherita

It’s the classic pizza in the home town of the pizza. No other toppings are allowed here.

Insalata Caprese

The Island of Capri is home to the classic ‚Tomatoe-Mozarella‘. Of course, it’s best with tomatoes of the region and ->

Mozarella of buffalos from the Cilento region. It’s really so much better than the one made of cow milk. The creamy texture combined with a taste of hay makes it special.

Fish & seafood

Thanks to the long coastline, the plates are often covered with food from the Mediterranean. Very good, though also quite expensive.

The classic Italian 4-course-menu

Usually Italians celebrate their dinner with a 4-course-menu. For tourists, it’s a good opportunity to get to know Italian culture, if you have such an abundant meal at least once during your stay. And don’t worry, you won’t disturb Italians. Germans typically have dinner between 6 and 7 pm, while Italians start thinking of dinner not before 8 pm.

To be honest: The worldwide trend to healthy and ‘light’ food also came to Italy and old traditions become less important. So it’s not uncommon to order less than four courses and nobody will care.

But now: this is how you do it right!

Antipasti: Variety is allowed here: Vegetables, meat, fish, bread.

Primo Piatto: Pasta or rice, usually with only a bit of meat or fish.

Secondo Piatto: The meat or fish course. Basically without any side dishes, they can be ordered separately. But pasta and rice already were part of the first course.

Dolce: Again, variety. Main thing: sweet!

Besides: Aperitif, wine, water and in the end: caffè and maybe a digestif.

After such a lucullan explosion you might feel tired. You understand, why Commisario Montalbano always takes a long walk by the sea after dinner.

Sometimes, Italians already have such an overload of good taste for lunch. See our experience on the island of Procida.

Last but not least: Serving snacks besides the aperitiv – a great invention

This is really a great thing, which you find intensified in the southern parts of Italy. Along with a glass of wine you get at least two bowls with peanuts, crisps or pastry. Also, olives, dumplings or small portions of local specialties are common. Sometimes this even served as a light lunch for us. Best thing: the drinks weren’t more expensive than anywhere else. So this is really a thing, we would love to have everywhere!

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