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There’s no way not to love Regensburg!

Regensburg, Germany

Generally, everyone loves his hometown. Whether it’s family, friends or just the city itself. That doesn’t matter. Everyone would find thousands of arguments for his or her city. If you were Bavaria before, the regional patriotism here might sound familiar to you.

Regensburg’s natives or Bavarians in general adore their city or region. Sometimes in an extreme way, which we would not support. Maybe you already read about this in the Frankfurt post.

Regensburg, Germany

But we also have to defend ourselves from all the Bavarian haters out there. Not every Bavarian is arrogant or a redneck. If you already had travelled to different parts of Germany, you would have heard about those accusations.

Basically, everyone is relaxed here. People are doing fine due to living in a wonderful idyll, which we want to present you in the following.

Of course, not everything is perfect here. Far away from home we just keep the good things in mind, because we miss them. And we just know every single part of this city!

Food and drink feasts

You can enjoy those feasts in winter at our numerous Christmas markets; in summer at our numours festivals in the Old Town. If you´re willing to eat and drink as much as possible, those feasts will support you, the best they can.

There are for example the Bürgerfest (citizens’ festival), the jazz festival, the Blaue Nacht (Blue Night), wine feasts and many more.

And there are tons of bars. Quite a lot for a medium-sized city. What could upset people from other parts of Germany or I think everywhere: Closing time is two o’clock due to grumpy residents’ complaints.

If you’re planning to visit Regensburg, you will definitely understand why it’s called Italy’s most northern city: Numerous ice cream shops, cafés and restaurants do their best to make people from Regensburg and its many visitors happy. Especially with the many possibilities to sit outside, like on Haidplatz or Bismarckplatz, you’ll feel like on an Italian Piazza.

Compared to other cities like Frankfurt or Munich, going out for dinner is cheap. Our favourite restaurants: Papageno (Italian), Tapas am Ölberg (Spanish), Mirabelle (French), Lokanta (Kurdish), Sushihaus (Japanese), the Beos ( Altstadthotel am Pach, good Tarte Flambee), the Rive Droite (the name is French, but they offer anything and very good Burgers), Meier (everything, at Stadtamhof).

Our favourite cafés: Rosarium in Dörnbergpark (Restaurant and Café), both cafés at Bismarckplatz.

Our favourite ice cream shops: Diba Chocolat Regensburg (great variety), Eisdiele Stenz (near Bismarckplatz)

What we really recommend: Wein und Olive (Wine and olives) near the cathedral. You can take part in wine tastings with delicacies. Mr. Henneberg and his wife will give you competent advise; the French wines are excellent. Every summer they close their shop, make a road trip through France and taste the wines, they’re selling.

Beer gardens and Bavarian taverns

Our beer gardens are awesome. If you want to experience Bavarian coziness, you will have to visit at least one of them.

From Alte Linde you have an amazing view at the bridge and the Old Town. At trying to win best beer garden competition, it rolls out hard artillery. Close to it in both senses is the Spitalgarten and the Goldene Ente. Kreuzschänke is another one, you should keep in mind.

I think, there’s no need talking a lot about the Hofbräuhaus near the Old Town Hall. It’s the worldwide known classic of Bavarian taverns. Kneitinger is another one, which offers you Pils and Bock besides good food. Real Bavarian natives at their best. But be prepared: Some creatures are really weird and you will be ashamed for them. The Kneitinger Keller near Alte Mälze also has a beautiful beer garden.

Piazzas and other outdoor sitting areas

‚Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. ‘

According to this quote, the following is about the best places between spring and autumn where you can do nothing except sometimes the best: nothing. I already mentioned Haidplatz and Bismarckplatz; the last one is extremely crowded in summer. Especially students come here. At weekends, that’s the place for the prepartys. Some say, it’s their living room for the summer.

If you’re searching for more younger and alternative people, you should go to Jahninsel, a little island in the Danube. There’s an annual festival in summer, which is very well visited. You can find anything here, also creepy people. But that’s what makes that place interesting.

The Danube shore is also a very good place to chill. Take something to drink with you at one of the Asia Shops and enjoy for example the sunset here. You should avoid this place at certain times: While Dult (some kind of miniature Oktoberfest) twice a year for two weeks (usually in May and September). And: During one of the many Old Town feasts in summer. You think Barcelona is a public urinal, than you haven’t been here before.

The cathedral area is also a great choice for wasting time. There is a ice cream shop near of it, so you can arm yourself for the perfect time waste.

We’re famous!

At least, a little bit. Maybe just in Germany. Or maybe just in Regensburg.

The dear Händlmaier Family delight the world with sweet mustard for over 100 years. Meanwhile it’s also knwon outside of Germany. You should visit its shop. (The linked homepage is in German, but you can find the contact data and address here.)

Everybody was here at Dampfnudel Uli: In 1997, former President of the US Ronald Reagan was one of the famous guests. So if that’s not a reason for you to eat the best yeast dumplings in the world. Dampfnudel Uli is an institution in Regensburg and shouldn’t be missed when visiting Regensburg.

We once were the Pope – at least that’s the way we call it there. Means, someone of our town became the Pope. Mr. Ratzinger tried his best to teach the world about his conservative views. Furthermore, one of Germany’s Next Topmodel and some other Casting shows winner is from here. Isn’t that great?

Our complete Old Town together with Stadtamhof belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage.

And we’re the Danube’s and Italy’s most northern city.

Student Town

We’re one of Bavaria’s most welcoming and open-minded cities – students from all over the world come here for their exchange here. I think Regensburg’s university is one of the ugliest in the world. But that doesn’t keep over 30,000 students off to study here. They’re the reason for the many bars here. There must be something really great with this city, considering there are coming more students every year.

History, culture and parks

Regensburg has been an important city since the Middle Ages. The whole Old Town is proof for that.

Numerous museums and theatres offer a huge variety of cultural activities. So there should be something for everyone.

There are huge parks in the city. The city profits the most of them during the festival times in summer. You shouldn’t miss the Blaue Nacht (Blue Night) and the Wine Feast, when you’re here in summer or autumn.

Outside the Old Town, there is not much to see as there is mostly living area. But that’s more than enough.

We’re adorable

Yes, we are. And we would love to welcome everybody in the wordl in this beautiful city!

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