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You would love to be a country bumpkin in Provence!

Provence, France

Everybody wants to live in New York, Bangkok or Berlin. Far away from small villages and the rural life. But once, when you see the villages of Provence, you may think about it again. Well, I’m just kidding, but you’ll have a very good time here.

Provence, France

Idyllic village life in Provence

Of course, we haven’t seen all of the villages, but a few and we definitely don’t want to hold them back from you! Romantic, colourful, diversified- that’s how one would sum it up!

Baguette, cheese, salami, olives, wine-that’s how life should be. Of course, everything from your trusted boulangerie, farmer and winemaker.


Unspectacular, sweet and near Gorge du Verdon – in this place you’ll find the coolest boulangerie in the world. The village is small, but as it is located near the Verdon, there are lots of camping sites and therefore lots of tourists here in august. And they all want baguettes.

The friendly venders are ruthless in their manner but yet likeable. The baker shovels (I’m serious- he’s using a shovel) every ten minutes several dozens of baguettes from the oven to the counter; and this in a kind of way, you directly know, he loves his job.


A whole village in all different tones of orange and red. Just like in Rustrel, you can find ocher rocks and the village stands on one of them. People here owe them jobs and colour since the 18th century. Tourists can buy the colour filled in bottles.

I think, Roussillon was our favourite village. If you have just limited time and you have to concentrate on a few, then go to Roussillon and forget the rest. Would be too bad, though!


The viewpoint at the parking place opposite to Gordes (drive-up to the village) offer a gorgeous view – Gordes looks powerful and is one of the most popular destinations in Provence. It’s supposed to be one of the most beautiful villages in France.

Something very life changing happened here: For the first time ever, we ate lavender ice cream! It was so delicious- I don’t know, which ice cream is ever going to top this. Why can’t we buy this everywhere? The moment I realized, I’m not getting that in Germany, I became very angry. Merde!

Abbaye de Senanque

Near Gordes, you can find the Provence motiv par excellence. Abbaye de Senanque is not a village. It’s a Cistercian abbey from the 12th century and is known world wide. At least I think so. Tons of tourist were there, especially from Asia.

If you’re interested in staying eight days at this abbey, you have to apply in written form. I was more interested in touri-shop!

In front of the abbey, there is a garden with lavender fields. When seeing pictures of it, I was thinking about how beautiful it was. But of course, no one tells you about the sign, warning you of scorpions and snakes and “Entering at your own risk”. It was closed anyway- hope, no one got bit or tweaked!

Sisteron, Reillane, Cereste, Viens and St.Saturnin-les-Apt- those are the villages we cannot tell you very much. We just passed them by car. But they are very calm and they were sooooo French!


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