Why you should visit Paris during Christmas time!

Though it is really cold during this time of the year, it was one of our best ideas, making a trip to Paris just before Christmas. Christmas markets and decoration made my heart beat faster. Paris probably can’t compete with New York in … Continued

Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina!

posted in: Algarve, Destinations, Europe, Portugal | 0

I love Portuguese. It’s one of the most melodic languages that exist on this planet. So the name of this region is a pleasure for my ears. The Costa Vicentina is located between the western part of the Algarve and the … Continued

Algarve Dreaming – Europe’s dreamy Sunshine State!

posted in: Algarve, Destinations, Europe, Portugal | 0

In our opinion the western part of the Algarve is the most beautiful place in Europe. Of course, such things are a matter of taste. In general we would say, Italy is our favourite country. Being close to Germany might be one of the many … Continued